Preparing for the NEW SAT: Mathematics

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Raise confidence and test scores through this thorough review of all tested topics, a diagnostic test, and four full-length practice tests. Each topic includes scaffolded lessons providing short, focused instruction on key skills, flexible pacing for either independent or classroom usage, model SAT questions throughout, and Quick Tips offering test taking strategies. Full-length content area tests in the Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, Passport to Advanced Mathematics, and Additional Topics help students personalize and focus their study. Includes a full answer key.

Product Features & Resources


The most complete SAT math guide on the market

Students raise their confidence and SAT score by using diagnostic tests and correlations charts to target specific content-area weaknesses with explicit instruction, practice, and assessment.

* comprehensive overview of the changes to the new SAT
* test-taking tactics and suggestions that underscore critical points
* full-length diagnostic test and correlation chart identifies strengths and weaknesses
* detailed instruction, practice, and assessment of the math content areas tested on the new exam
—Heart of Algebra, linear equations and systems
—Problem Solving and Data Analysis, quantitative literacy
—Passport to Advanced Math, manipulation of complex equations
—Additional Topics in math, geometry, and trigonometry
* full-length content-area tests provide targeted assessment and identify specific personalized areas of study
* calculator and no calculator practice and test questions mirror the new exam
* practice and test questions include the new multi-part questions about a single scenario
* four full-length model exams provide authentic practice and build confidence
* an annotated answer key is provided in the back of the student edition

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Product # 26792-G
ISBN-13 9781634198141
ISBN-10 163419814X
Author Richard Andres
Grade Level 10-12
Series ACT/SAT

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