Advanced Placement World History: Modern

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Cover all the essential content and prepare students for the AP World History: Modern exam by exploring key historical events, including those from before 1200 and up to present-day. The text is written specifically to the new course exam framework and includes long essay questions (LEQs) and document-based questions (DBQs) along with a complete AP World History practice exam.

Advanced Placement® is a trademark registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these products.

Product Features & Resources


It’s a bold, new world!

  • Interactive edition coming soon for AP World.
  • All-new edition structured and written to follow the current AP® Course and Exam Description.
  • Concise and accessible topics provide essential content organized in short, focused sections.
  • Includes opportunities for students to explore and develop the skills and practices of historians.
  • Promotes development of historical thinking skills, reasoning processes, thematic analysis, and concepts and understandings of course content.
  • Guided instruction and practice is provided for each of the historical disciplinary practices or reasoning skills identified by the College Board.
  • Questions based on AP® Exam formats
    —186 multiple-choice questions
    —124 short-answer questions
    —36 long essay questions
    —9 document-based questions
    —plus 1 complete practice test modeled on the AP® Exam
  • Features to develop skills tested on the AP® Exam
    —60 Think as a Historian features provide skills instruction and practice
    —9 Write as a Historian features build on skills for writing responses to essay questions
    —9 Historical Perspectives features introduce significant historical issues and conflicting interpretations
  • Teacher Resource includes correlations for each question to the College Board Curriculum Framework.

    The Teacher Resource is sold only to educators and shipped to school or district addresses only. A verified classroom set purchase of the student edition (print or digital) is required.
Program Details
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Product # R7424-G
ISBN-13 9781531129163
ISBN-10 1531129161
Grade Level 9-12
Publisher Perfection Learning
Series AP Social Studies

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