Advanced Placement Psychology, 2nd Edition

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Teach students how to think critically and scientifically about the underlying mechanisms of behavior and cover all topics for the AP Psychology course. In every chapter, important discoveries are explained, the impact on everyday life is examined, and current research is used to see each behavioral principle in action.

Advanced Placement® is a trademark registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these products.

Product Features & Resources


Help students understand key psychology concepts in a meaningful way!

  • Updated edition correlated to the current AP® Course and Exam Description.
  • Concise and accessible student book presents essential psychology content.
  • Includes opportunities for students to explore and develop the skills and practices of psychologists.
  • Full practice test modeled after the AP® Psychology Exam included.
  • Features and activities promote effective writing by prompting students to synthesize what they have learned.
  • Each of the 25 chapters includes
    —an Essential Question
    —instruction tightly aligned to the AP® curriculum
    —Key Terms, names, and concepts
    —a feature to promote critical thinking
    —10 multiple-choice questions
    —2 free-response questions—Concept Application and Research Design
  • Teacher Resource includes correlations for each question to the College Board Curriculum Framework.

    The Teacher Resource is sold only to educators and shipped to school or district addresses only. A verified classroom set purchase of the student edition (print or digital) is required.
Program Details

Charles Schallhorn

With 30 years of experience, Charles Schallhorn has taught psychology since the 1980s and Advanced Placement® Psychology since 1992, the second year of the course. His career has spanned six high schools in three states, including his current school, Mountain House High School in California. An experienced AP® Reader and presenter for psychology conferences, Charles was selected to place his course online for the site Co-founder and moderator of the Teaching High School Psychology blog, Charles stays active in the psychology teaching community and has written curriculum, activities, and teacher materials in many publications.

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More Information
Product # T3272-G
ISBN-13 9781690386803
ISBN-10 1690386800
Author Charles D. Schallhorn
Grade Level 9-12
Publisher Perfection Learning
Series AP Social Studies

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